= NEWS =
“ხავერდოვანი ჩაი”ჭიათურაში ადგილობრივი მაცხოვრებლის მიერ შექმნილი კოოპერატივია, რომელმაც 2016 წლიდან დაიწყო საქმიანობა. კოოპერატივი ჯამში 21 ჰექტარზე გაშენებულ ჩაის უვლის და სხვდასხვა ტიპის პროდუქტს აწარმოებს.
PMAG Packaging Cluster operating in any part of the packaging supply chain, such as industrial packaging consumers, Accordingly, PMAG is pleased that another member of Tbilisi Balneologic Resort LLC has joined from the Tbilisi.
The Packaging Cluster (PMAG) invites its members to participate in the Green Technology International Exhibition.
Another new member from Imereti joined the PMAG cluster. "Fresh Food" is a bakery company located in the Kutaisi Free Industrial Zone and produces 21 types of confectionery products with ecologically clean raw materials. Muffins, croissants, biscuits and cookies are an incomplete list of products produced by "Fresh Food", which the company sells throughout Georgia.
On June 9, 2021, PMAG Cluster signed a memorandum of understanding with the College "Iberia". Under the memorandum, both sides agreed to cooperate on the issues of common interests and also cooperate in the implementation of joint educational projects to facilitate the training of highly competent personnel.
We are pleased to offer paid internships at PMAG Packaging Cluster member companies. PMAG is a cluster of packers supported by the European Union and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Which aims to support the packaging materials supply chain and members, increase competitiveness and expand the value chain through collaboration at various stages.