PMAG has officially joined the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) is an action of the Cluster Internationalisation Programme for SMEs funded under COSME launched by DG GROW of the European Commission in 2016.
At the service of cluster organisations, with a unique offer of cluster news, matchmaking events and tools supporting collaboration, the ECCP is considered a leading hub for facilitating cluster collaboration at European and global level. It fosters such cooperation by facilitating connections between clusters from Europe and beyond and helping their SMEs to access third markets and find strategic partners in global value chains. ECCP gathers more than 100 cluster organisations and with an average of 100 SMEs per cluster it can reach out to about 100 000 SMEs across Europe.
One can find our page on the platform by visiting the following link
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) is an action of the Cluster Internationalisation Programme for SMEs funded under COSME launched by DG GROW of the European Commission in 2016.
At the service of cluster organisations, with a unique offer of cluster news, matchmaking events and tools supporting collaboration, the ECCP is considered a leading hub for facilitating cluster collaboration at European and global level. It fosters such cooperation by facilitating connections between clusters from Europe and beyond and helping their SMEs to access third markets and find strategic partners in global value chains. ECCP gathers more than 100 cluster organisations and with an average of 100 SMEs per cluster it can reach out to about 100 000 SMEs across Europe.
One can find our page on the platform by visiting the following link