Common servicesare an integrated part of the routine daily operations of the CMO and are equally available to members of the cluster. The common services are financed through the membership fees but can be additionally funded by the available reserves in the budget.

The common services are:

Facilitation of collaboration between members

News and information sharing among members

Opportunity identification for unified procurement/cost saving (expert service for all or some members)

Advocacy of industry interest 

Regular screening of the industry, aimed at identification of important topics for industry, and development of advocacy strategy and activities

Informing/advocating government and international/donor organizations on industry interest

Making association present on discussion of legislative initiatives

Access to technology and support services

Conducting periodic needs assessments (capacity development, technology, etc)

Maintenance of databases of local and international engineers (technology experts)

Maintenance of database of local and international machinery/technology producers and suppliers - Not this year

Enabling access to certification of ISO/Food Safety, etc.

Enabling access to audit services

Enabling access to ERP/Business Process Automation

Enabling access to advisory services

Enabling access to national/international fares/exhibitions and other relevant events

Periodic Information dissemination and trend-scouting (ideas for innovative projects)

Periodic reporting on the industry condition (semi-annually, quarterly)

Organizing of periodic industry internal workshops for sharing of knowledge

Conducting periodic value chain assessments

Provision and facilitation of access to training for members

Develop annual training needs assessment

Enabling access to capacity development services

Access to public support 

Facilitation of support programs with donors

Enabling access to governmental programs and financing

Promotion of activities (marketing/ visibility)

Maintenance of the website

Maintenance of the visibility through various electronic resources and platforms, such as tradewithgeorgia.com, www.clustercollaboration.eu and other

Access to private funding

Enabling access to IFI funding such as EBRD, Gazzele Finance, Partnership Fund