The company "Okriba" is located in Tkibuli municipality. The total area of tea plantations on the slopes of Nakerala is 55 hectares. The company employs pickers with traditional knowledge and experience. With its location and unique climatic conditions, using traditional and modern technologies, the company produces the best quality tea under the name of "Buetea" brand.
The region is rich in fruits and berries of special flavor. The company produces delicious and useful dried fruits with fresh fruits. Brand - "Georgian Green Valley" is a wide range of local, 100% natural dried fruits.
PMAG Packaging Cluster operating in any part of the packaging supply chain, such as industrial packaging consumers, Accordingly, PMAG is pleased that another member of OKRIBA Ltd has joined from the Imereti region.
The region is rich in fruits and berries of special flavor. The company produces delicious and useful dried fruits with fresh fruits. Brand - "Georgian Green Valley" is a wide range of local, 100% natural dried fruits.
PMAG Packaging Cluster operating in any part of the packaging supply chain, such as industrial packaging consumers, Accordingly, PMAG is pleased that another member of OKRIBA Ltd has joined from the Imereti region.