Georgian Association of Packaging Materials Manufacturers has handed over protective shields to the Young Guides Association and fully equipped the guides operating in Imereti in connection with the opening of domestic tourism.
Analysts estimate that the tourism sector received the biggest challenge from COVID-19, both in terms of demand and supply. The damage done to the actors involved in the tourism industry is indeed enormous, however, with effective steps and timely support it is possible to reduce the damage. The field of tourism and the people employed in this field will be able to fully resume their activities only when the field provides protection for its citizens, as well as for the safe hosting of tourists.Now people working in tourism and related fields need special support, which is why the Packaging ManufacturersAssociation of Georgia has provided guides with the necessary inventory for safe activities.
PMAG is sponsored by United Nations Development Program- aimed at helping packaging industry and its individual members increase competitiveness and expand cooperation at different stages of the value chain.
The protectiactive shields are made in Georgia by the local company CaucasPack, which was able to adapt to new challenges during the pandemic and produces convenientmultiple use protective face shields made from recycled plastic bottles.